
February 18, 2011

Feature Friday-LilacAve

Today’s featured artist is Deb Ragsdale of LilacAve,  from Texas, her specialty is soy candles and natural body products.

LL&Co.:  Do you have a day job?
LilacAve:  LilacAve is my job

LL&Co.:  What inspires you?
LilacAve: For business, I'm a victim to packaging and marketing; so I'm inspired by products I see around, commercials, photography, art. 
Personally, I'm inspired by the people around me, and all the wonderful places we've been, and want to go. 

LL&Co.:  How did you get started?
LilacAve:  My son was diagnosed with Autism in Fall of 2007.  He needed therapy, and my career job, would not accommodate me taking him to therapy once a week. We started looking into getting a Nanny.  Not only would I have been working for free, but I'd be paying someone to basically care for my son's needs. Even after therapy was not as intense, our military life caught up with us, and we moved twice in a year.  In that time I was able to grow, and realized how passionate I was about this business, and how perfect it was for our life.

LL&Co:  Where can people find your products?
LilacAve:  I have just launched my own site, .
I also sell on Etsy .

LL&Co.:  Do you have any advice for people who would like to sell their own hand made items?
LilacAve:  Even if you have the most fantastic product, it isn't easy to get your business going.  It requires a lot more work than most people expect.

LL&Co.:  Tell us about your family.
LilacAve:  We are a military family.  My husband is a Navy Submariner. We have 2 kids, my son, and a daughter. We also have a dog and a cat. We are a quirky bunch, but very closely bonded.  I think that's what I love most about us.

LL&Co.  What does a typical day look like for you?
LilacAve:  I get up early, and usually check my email with coffee.  Then wake the kids, take them to school, and come home.  Then I'm usually working on marketing, making new products, research, and shop maintance most of the day.  Get the kids from school, do housework, sometimes need to take my son to therapy. Dinner, homework, bed for the kids, then back to work on my business until bed time.

LL&Co.:  Describe your creative space.
LilacAve:  I work in 2 zones of the house. All candles are made in my workroom.  The bath and body products are done in the kitchen.  Mailing and computer work done in the office.  Yes, I have taken over!

LL&Co.:  Do you have other hobbies?
LilacAve:  Ummmm, no, not really. LOL.  I'm pretty tied up all day with family, housework, and business. 

LL&Co.:  How did you come up with your shop name?
LilacAve: Our first home, is a place I feel very attached to and comfortable in.  It is on Lilac Ave.  We still own the house, and I miss it dearly.  We can't wait to get back to it.

LL&Co.:  How do you promote your work?
LilacAve:  I love Facebook. For me, it is a way for me to connect with my customers, as many of my fans have bought from me, and love my stuff.  So having the connection where I can hear their thoughts, see what they are excited about, is such an incredible tool.
I also Twitter.
I have a blog, that is mostly for promoting others, and gives business tidbits, but I think sometimes helping others can be the best kharma for your own business.
I am also part of a few Etsy teams.  I've been in business for 2 and a half years.  and I find that building relationships, is sometimes the most beneficial personally and for your business. Most of the time your team or your connections will recommend you to their friends, and etc and etc.  It is a domino effect.

LL&Co.:  What are some of the goals you have for your business?
LilacAve:  My goal is to create a stable income, so that when my husband gets out of the military in 4yrs, he can pursue his dream of going back to school full time, without me having to give up mine, of having my own business. In my dream of dreams, I will have my own store one day, where I can have not only my stuff, but the wonderful handmade items of all these incredible artisans I've met.

LL&Co.  What is your favorite item in your shop right now?  
LilacAve:  This Pomegranate body butter....use mine every day!

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